What Are My Chances of Getting
Into an Ivy or Equivalent College?


Answer these six questions about your academics. While grades and test scores matter, the difficulty of the courses you took also can matter. Be truthful.

Your Personal Side.

Answer these four questions about your personal side. The personal side really matters in Ivy and equivalent admissions. While these questions aren’t perfect, they do provide a good sense of how admissions officers may view the content of your extracurriculars, essays, and recommendations. Be truthful.

Contact Information.

You’re almost done! We just need to know where to send your report. Plus, we have a few additional questions that will help us personalize other admissions-related information we’ll periodically send you to help you as you (or your kid) apply to college. We will never sell your information, and you can opt-out at any time.

Note: If you are a student, you must provide the contact information of a parent or legal guardian. This requirement serves to ensure parents are kept informed and involved in matters that affect their children. We uphold strict privacy standards to protect the confidentiality of the information shared with us. The information will not be disclosed to any third parties except as required by law or at your request.
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