Our Prompt Writing Coaches know how to help you stand out on your college applications. Spoiler: it's by being authentic. Here are 3 tips for the best and most authentic personal statement.
As you near the finish line, it’s easy to rush through the final edits—but don’t! The last drafts are just as crucial as the first. Keep these five tips in mind to ensure your revisions stay sharp and impactful.
Prompt has spent thousands of hours researching and talking to college admissions offices on what they look for in amazing applicants. What we found transformed our approach and pedagogy. So what do colleges look for? There are five key traits. Here is the fourth: drive.
Prompt has spent thousands of hours researching and talking to college admissions offices on what they look for in amazing applicants. What we found transformed our approach and pedagogy. So what do colleges look for? There are five key traits. Here is the third: contribution to community.
Prompt has spent thousands of hours researching and talking to college admissions offices on what they look for in amazing applicants. What we found transformed our approach and pedagogy. So what do colleges look for? There are five key traits. Here is the second: intellectual curiosity.
Prompt has spent thousands of hours researching and talking to college admissions offices on what they look for in amazing applicants. What we found transformed our approach and pedagogy. So what do colleges look for? There are five key traits. Here is the first: initiative.