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Make the Most of Summer for Better College Applications (for Rising Seniors)

Get Started with College Applications

Make the Most of Summer for Better College Applications (for Rising Seniors)
Make the Most of Summer for Better College Applications (for Rising Seniors)

Summer can be the perfect time for getting started on college applications. Read on to find the best summer activities for college applications.

Congratulations, rising seniors: you’ve made it to summer vacation! If you’re feeling ambivalent about diving into college applications this fall, the summer is the perfect time to prepare. Here are four ways you can make the most of this summer and feel ready for September!

1. Finalize Your School List

Keep researching schools, finalize your list, and note any schools you’d like to apply to for Early Decision or Early Action. As you browse the following sections on each college’s website, you can reflect on these questions:


  • What subject(s) do I want to study in college? What majors and academic resources does this college have that will help me achieve my goals?

Campus Life 

  • Will I continue my current extracurriculars in college? What new activities could I try? Does this college have clubs or organizations for these activities?


  • What types of financial aid and scholarships does this college offer, and what are these deadlines? 
  • What are the application deadlines for this college?

2. Attend Virtual Information Sessions and Campus Tours

I highly recommend attending virtual information sessions to learn more about the schools on your list and ask questions in real time! Admissions officers and current students host these webinars to discuss application materials, financial aid, different majors, and more.

This summer is also a great time to schedule campus tours without missing school or extracurriculars. You’ll see a college’s academic, residential, and social buildings; interact with current students or admissions officers; and get a sense of the surrounding community. Jot down your first impressions right after the tour — these reflections will help you finalize your list and eventually write your supplements!

Going on tours or attending information sessions may even help your chances of getting admitted at certain schools. This is called demonstrated interest

3. Reflect On — And Build Up — Your Experiences

As you reflect on your classes and extracurriculars, you might decide to fill in any “gaps” in your experiences. For example, if you’d like to major in biology, but you’ve only taken your school’s required Bio 1 course, you can use the summer to gain more experience. Try these activities: 

  • Learn through independent study by finding relevant books at your local library, watching documentaries, or visiting museums.
  • Sign up for online or community college classes.
  • Email your teachers for suggestions on how to dive deeper into their subjects at school or in your community.
  • Volunteer in your community — tutor middle schoolers in your strongest subject, reach out to local businesses to shadow an employee, or contribute your knowledge by working with a local charity in this area or a related one. 

4. Start Brainstorming Your Common App Essay Now!

Giving yourself ample time to write and revise your Common App Personal Statement essay will make you feel much more confident that you’ve put your best foot forward!

How do I get started? 

The purpose of your personal statement  is to prove that you’ll be successful in college and beyond. Start by reflecting on what your strengths are, how you overcome challenges, and how you engage with your community.

I don’t know my strengths. I just…live my life! 

Before you start writing, ask a handful of people who know you well — family, close friends, mentors — what they think your strengths are, and when they’ve seen you use these strengths during high school. You can use this feedback to generate ideas for your essay.

You can also create a free account with Prompt to access modules that will help you determine your greatest strengths, reflect on your experiences, and structure your essay.

Getting started is intimidating, but remember that any work you put in this summer will pay off enormously in the fall. By reading this article, you’re already on the right track! You’ve got this!

For more help, check out Prompt’s Complete Guide to Writing the Common App Essay series.

Emily graduated summa cum laude from Pomona College with a double major in Art History and French. Having previously taught English in two French high schools, she currently works as a Writing Coach at Prompt and as an educator at a national museum. For several years, she has also tutored in English and French. She is passionate about art, education, and languages, and there’s nothing she loves more than helping students find the right words to tell their stories. Want to work with Emily? Contact us at to arrange it.